
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Strawberry Milkshake Recipe-How to make Strawberry Milkshake

I suck at two things - taking a decent picture of drinks, and taking pictures with a dark background. So when your (husband's) aunt does these two super well and posts pictures on Facebook, you do what any self-respecting food blogger does - flick the picture, add your watermark, ask her the recipe, and post it on your blog!

Geetha Perima is an expert at cooking and made and shared this delicious Strawberry Milkshake. I love all sorts of milkshake, especially with strawberry (and vanilla milkshake, for some strange reason).

strawberry milkshake recipe

Of course, it may be a good idea to ask her first! 

I have posted two recipes of Geetha Perima's before. The Instant Sambar Powder Mix recipe which was the answer to many a mothers' quest for a sambar powder to send their sons/daughters going off to a foreign land. You should check it out, its brilliant!

The other recipe I got from her and tried it myself (instead of shamelessly taking pictures of what she made or worse, flicking it from her FB page) - the amazing Palak Khichdi

Now on to her Strawberry Milkshake Recipe. Thanks for the patient answers to all the 11 questions I had on a recipe that uses 3 ingredients, perima. 

To serve 2, you need: 

7-8 fresh strawberries
2 cups whole milk
Sugar to taste

To prepare: blend the strawberries with the milk and sugar until frothy and well incorporated. You can adjust the number of strawberries depending on their size. On an average, you need 3-4 for each cup of milk. 

Garnish with sliced strawberries and serve cold. Yumville!

This strawberry milkshake goes to Pari's Veggie/Fruit a Month, this month featuring Strawberries - an event conceptualized by Mharo Rajasthan.

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