
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Grilled Guacamole Cheese Sandwiches Recipe

Both TH and I love Guacamole. We have it with chapati, rice, in sandwiches, and once even with dosa! We have sandwiches for dinner about once or twice a month when I've had a long day at work and I always try to use different fillings. Sometimes I feel I can make a proper dinner with the time I use to plan the filling, I think a lot about what's in the refrigerator that I can use and what flavours should go together.

Grilled Guacamole Cheese Sandwiches

These sandwiches are similar to the Mint Chutney Cheese Sandwiches that became very popular, but definitely don't taste the same. A great lunchbox or picnic sandwich too!

Grilled Guacamole Cheese Sandwiches Recipe

Makes 4 sandwiches

1 ripe avocado
2 shallots
2-3 green chillies (or jalapenos)
Some freshly squeezed lime juice
Salt of to taste

To assemble the sandwiches:
8 slices of any bread of your choice
2 tbsp salted butter
4 slices of cheddar cheese (or a mix of cheddar and mozzarella works too)

How to Make Guacamole Cheese Sandwiches

1. Mix and pound all the ingredients for the guacamole in a pestle and mortar or a blender/food processor. I use the pulse mode because I like chunky guacamole.

2. Lightly butter one slice of bread and spread some guacamole on it. Close with another slice and grill in the oven or toaster until golden brown. You can also grill on a stovetop grill if you have one. Alternately, use the sandwich maker - oh my, so many options!

3. Cut into half and serve hot with sriracha or ketchup.


- You can use any cheese of choice of even omit it completely.

- My guacamole is not authentic and I don't claim it is. This is the way we like it. I sometimes add half a tomato to it as well but it tends to make it a bit watery. You can also add some coriander leaves to the mix, or even pudina/mint leaves.

- I grilled these sandwiches in my oven on the regular tray that came with it, which explains the marks on the sandwich. I turned the sandwich around after about 3 mins to cook the other side. They get done very quickly so keep an eye on them. Keep temperature at around 160C or so.

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