Thursday, November 10, 2011

DMBLGiT November 2011 - Meet the Judges

It's only been 2 days since I announced DMBLGiT November 2011 Edition and the entries are pouring in. I will be updating them in this Picasa Album as they come in so you should totally check that out.

I am sorry for all the suspense and waiting to reveal the judges for this month. I was particular that I wanted to choose people who weren't professional photographers but had an eye for good pictures. I can't wait to introduce them so here goes.

Sneh Roy of Cook Republic

DMBLGiT November 2011 Judges

I've been wanting to feature Sneh's blog in my Blogs I Love section for a while and even have a half-written post in my drafts but never got around to finishing it. If you haven't seen her gorgeous blog with lovely pictures, now is the time. I was totally hooked the day I discovered it and actually went through every post that same day!

Madhu "Madman" Menon

DMBLGiT November 2011 Judges

If you are even remotely active on Twitter, you would have come across this chef, restaurant consultant, food writer, and food photographer. You can check out some of his pictures in his Flickr stream or check out his Twitter profile if that's your thing. Also, I must state here for the record that he is only slightly "mad".

Nash of Plateful

DMBLGiT November 2011 Judges

Nash and I met long back through an email and for the longest time after that, I was oblivious to her blog. Recently I came across it again and was really impressed with how much her space has grown over time. I have bookmarked way too many recipes of hers but here is my favourite post. Special thanks to her for volunteering to be a judge this month when I asked for one on Twitter.

Aparna of My Diverse Kitchen
DMBLGiT November 2011 Judges

Aparna is no stranger to most of you I am sure. Here's a secret - I try to emulate her style in my food pics - mainly crisp, simple pictures that are on the darker side (ie not over-exposed and overtly white). I have a bit more work to do to get there and hopefully it wil happen soon. Here's one of my favourite posts from Aparna's blog. There are too many actually but had to pick one.

As the host, I get to be one of the judges and an option to pick one picture as host's favourite that didn't win in any of the other categories. I will spare you this time from seeing yet another picture of mine. I think you all know by now how I look!

I hope you are as excited as I am about this month's DMBLGiT. Huge thanks to the judges for agreeing to take part this month and also in advance for the tolerance of all the nag emails I am bound to send their way over the course of the month.

Last month to send in your pictures is Nov 20th, 2011 midnight in your part of the world. More details in the announcement post.

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