Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Announcing DMBLGiT November 2011

Announcing DMBLGiT November 2011

I love food photography contests. It's a different matter that I never seem to win anything but that just shows how talented photographers there are out there and that's always a good thing, right?

Does My Blog Look Good In This? or DMBLGiT is probably the mother of all food photo contests started by Andrew of Spittoon Extra, and I am honoured to be able to bring you the November 2011 edition of it.

General DMBLGIT Rules:

- Only one food/drink photograph may be entered per person.
- The photograph must have been taken by you.
- The photograph must have been posted on your blog between October 1st through October 31st, 2011.
- The deadline to submit your entry is November 20th, 2011 at midnight, whenever that is in your part of the world.

How Scoring Works:

A panel of judges will choose 6 winners based on the following criteria:

Aesthetics: composition, food styling, lighting, focus, etc.
Edibility: does the photo make us want to take a big bite out of our computer monitor while drooling on our keyboard?
Originality: a photo that makes you stop, look twice, and think �Wow! I never thought of photographing it like that before.�

Three overall winners will be selected plus one in each of the 3 categories. Apart from this one photo that stands out, but wasn�t chosen as a winner will also be picked by me because that's a perk I will get as a host.

How to Enter DMBLGiT November 2011:

Send an e-mail with �DMBLGIT Entry� as the subject line to me at naagu.v@gmail.com.

In your email, please include:

- Your name
- Your blog URL
- The title of the image/what it is
- The URL of the post containing the photograph
- The camera and lens you used
- An attachment of a single qualifying food or drink photo you�d like to enter. It should be without text/watermark and 600 pixels in width

Photographs will be added to this Picasa Album as I receive them. Please leave a comment on this post if you don't hear back from me for 4 days after sending in your email.

By submitting a photo, entrants agree to their photo being redisplayed and altered in size on the host�s page and on the SpittoonExtra DMBLGIT page.

The Judges:

I find that a lot of the past editions have been judged multiple times by the same people. While this is totally fine because they may be the gurus of food photography themselves, I wanted to bring in a fresh group of judges. Make no mistake, these folks take amazing food photos themselves and I am sure this month's judging discussions are going to be super fun.

OK OK, who are they?

I am sorry to do this to you all but this post is already too long so stay tuned for another one introducing our judges this month.

But don't wait! Start sending in your entries now!

PS: Chunks of this post, like the rules and details, have been shamelessly copied from last month's host, Bobbie.

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