Wednesday, July 23, 2014

How to Make Mango Milkshake with Ice Cream - Mango Shake Recipe

mango milkshake recipe with ice cream
Recipe for mango milkshake with homemade mango ice cream, chilled milk, and some vanilla to enhance the flavour. A perfect and easy summer drink for your family and guests.
I started this blog what seems like a lifetime ago and over the years, it's been with me through so many events - being single, being engaged then married, celebrating 5 years of marriage and now 6, two international relocations and a potential third coming up soon, and so much more. During this time, I have felt an intense desire to stop blogging many times, due to many reasons. I've continued mainly because of the notes I get from many of you because they are always so nice and seem like I made a real difference to your lives in the kitchen. It touches me to think that a small corner of the Internet, this space right here, one among many (many MANY) food blogs out there has touched your lives. And so I pick myself up, go back to my stash of food pictures, dust out a set, edit them, and continue on.

mango milkshake recipe with ice cream

The truth is, I don't remember not being a food blogger. I don't remember how it feels to not have a cupboard full of single pieces of cutlery, or looking at every beaten down wood piece along the streets longingly, or buying ingredients with the hope of making 'something' soon, or looking at a viral recipe idea and wishing I'd come up with it first, or getting really annoyed and angry at all the 'inspired' versions of my creativity and writing all over, or not checking Facebook and G+ for your messages and comments - the list goes on. Being a food blogger is as much as a part of me as being a Googler, or being a Reddiar, a wife, an Indian. I don't know how not to be one anymore.

I started blogging for myself, as an outlet for whatever dregs of creativity I have in me, and now it continues to exist for each and every one of you who read me, follow me, and send me those notes and pictures of food you've cooked from Edible Garden (very sentimental, I know).

I'll sincerely try to continue to write as long as someone out there continues to read. Ok? Ok :)

Mango milkshake has nothing to do with my outpouring above, I just chose this day and this post randomly to say what's been on my mind for a long time.

I used my eggless mango ice cream (uses only 3 ingredients) to make this milkshake but you can very easily replace with vanilla ice cream and canned mango pulp / fresh mango pieces or store-bought mango ice cream to prepare this shake. A hint of vanilla is my mom's touch to homemade milkshakes and so I add the same too.

All mango drinks are fabulous but I especially love mango banana milkshake, mango milkshake with avocado and this mango lassi we had copious amounts of last spring.


Preparation time: 10 minutes
Makes 2 tall glasses

2-3 large scoops of mango ice cream
1 cup of chilled milk
2 drops of vanilla essence
2 tbsp of powdered sugar (if needed)


Blend all ingredients until smooth. If you want a thicker shake, add more ice cream and add milk if you want to make it thinner.

Instead of adding sugar, I sometimes add a spoon or two of condensed milk to sweeten the milkshake.

If you want to use vanilla ice cream, then add 1/3 cup of mango puree (fresh or canned) to flavour it. The colour of your milkshake will depend on the mangoes you use. My mango ice cream was very faintly yellow due to the variety of mangoes I used.

Enjoy chilled immediately!

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