Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Homemade Chocolate Ice Cream Recipe, Eggless, Step by Step

This is a recipe to make rich, creamy chocolate ice cream without eggs using an ice cream maker, at home. Phew. What better way to bring in a new year than with ice cream, that too chocolate ice cream, right? So I made this couple weekends ago and saved it to share on the first day of 2014. I wish you all a wonderful new year :)

homemade chocolate ice-cream recipe

My friend Darsh had made ice cream using this simple recipe from Cuisinart during one of our last dinners together in Singapore before we moved, and I absolutely loved it. While it's best churned in an ice cream maker, you can definitely make this chocolate ice cream recipe without an ice cream maker too (refer notes in the end to see how) and also, this is a no-cook ice cream recipe, you just mix a few things together, churn, and freeze.

homemade chocolate ice-cream recipe

This ice cream is rich, creamy, and just the right amount of sweet. The best part about homemade ice cream anyway is that you can control all the flavour combinations and it has none of the nasties that store-bought ice cream has which I don't mind at all once in a while, but still, nothing beats homemade ice cream, especially for kids.

homemade chocolate ice-cream recipe

A word about my ice cream maker - I have the Kitchenaid ice cream maker attachment and it worked like a dream the three times I have used it. The first was to make this blueberry cheesecake ice cream and twice to make this chocolate ice cream. If you own a Kitchenaid stand mixer, I highly recommend this extra add-on (make sure you double check compatibility to your stand mixer, there are two versions of it). You do need to chill the bowl well in advance (at least 24 hours) but that's the case in most ice-cream makers anyway so remember to do that if you are using an ice cream maker for this recipe.

Ok then, let's get this year started already with some delicious homemade chocolate ice cream!


Preparation time: 20 minutes
Serves 6 generously
Adapted from: Cuisinart chocolate ice cream recipe

1/2 cup of unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 cup of sugar
1/4 cup of firmly packed brown sugar
3/4 cup of full cream milk
1.5 cups of cream with at least 35% fat content
1.5 tsp of vanilla extract
A small pinch of salt


1. Whisk together the cocoa and both sugars
homemade chocolate ice-cream recipe

until thoroughly combined.
homemade chocolate ice-cream recipe-2

2. Add the milk to this, gently incorporate by hand, and then continue whisking either manually (2-3 mins) or with an electric mixer (30 seconds).
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3. Time to add the cream. Now, there's generally some confusion on what type of cream to use for homemade ice cream. I'd say it really doesn't matter as long as your cream has at least 35% fat content. This is what makes the ice cream rich, creamy, and delicious.
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Pour in the cream, vanilla and add a pinch of salt.
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4. Mix again until full incorporated.
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5. Pour this mixture into the bowl of your ice cream maker and churn for 20 mins, approximately.
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6. The mixture should turn into soft serve ice cream like below. You can serve it at this stage or freeze for a harder more ice-cream-like consistency.
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I always use my Pyrex storage bowls for freezing ice cream, especially since they come with a lid. Use either a glass or plastic container, and freeze for at least 8 hours.
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Done! Ice cream is the perfect make-ahead dessert recipe for guests because homemade ice cream is always going to be special and you can make this well ahead in time, even a week ahead. That's a win, right?

  1. To make chocolate ice cream without an ice cream maker, add the ice cream mixture to a blender and blend on high speed for 2 mins. Transfer to a container and place in freezer. After an hour, take it out and blend again (if too hard, leave outside until thawed and then proceed). You can repeat these steps 2-3 times but the idea is to remove as much water crystals from the ice cream as possible. Since we are using cream and full cream milk, this method should work well. I haven't tried it so please let me know if you do
  2. You can add any flavourings of your choice - like a dash of rum, some instant coffee, chocolate chips, chocolate ganache, etc.
  3. This chocolate ice cream is quite rich and creamy so a little goes a long way. Store-bought ice cream is mostly air so we can eat a lot more. I'd say this can easily serve 8 but want to be conservative in my estimate since it really depends on your portion size
  4. Keeps well for 20 days (I haven't kept it longer to test, really)
  5. The difference in colour of ice cream among first three pics is due to lighting differences. Please adjust. 

For homemade chocolate ice cream recipe in Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada etc, please use the Google translate button in the sidebar.

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