Monday, October 7, 2013

Cheese Omelet Recipe - Fluffy Omelet Recipe with Cheese

TH is most happy when we have an omelet (omelette) for breakfast. I usually make an Indian-style masala omelet but if I have some cheese in stock, I whip up these cheese omelets that are so fluffy and yum. An omelet can be made in so many different ways and is often dictated by what's in the pantry so I suggest letting your imagination wild when making one of your own.

cheese omelet-how to make cheese omelet recipe

I love the combination of chopped onions and freshly cracked pepper with eggs so those are standard additions to scrambled eggs or omelets that I prepare. I also add vegetarian sausages to omelets sometimes, giving it a fake smokiness that almost matches that of bacon. Although theere are many different variations of vegetarian sausages in Sydney I'm yet to try any. So far, we've been happy with the standard cheese omelet that I can even make in my sleep.

{Browse more Egg Recipes in Edible Garden}

cheese omelet-how to make cheese omelet

The key to making a fluffy omelet is the cooking temperature. Eggs are delicate and cook quickly so it's important to keep the heat to medium low always and cook it taking your time. Also, the size of the pan vs amount of egg mixture also matters so that the omelets have a good height. I use a 5" round non-stick pan that always seems to do the trip for a 2-egg omelet. Go ahead and give yourself a protein kick in the morning.

{One of my favourite egg recipes? This Malabar Egg Curry!

cheese omelet-how to make cheese omelet


Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 4 minutes
Makes 2 omelets

4 eggs
1/4 cup of minced onions
1/2 tsp of salt (adjust to taste)
1/2 tsp of black pepper powder
1/2 cup of grated cheese - I use a mix of cheddar and mozzarella
1 tsp of oil


1. Break the eggs into a bowl and whisk for a few seconds with a mini whisk or a fork to aerate them. Add the salt, pepper, and onions to the mixture and mix again.

2. Heat a small non-stick pan and add half the oil. Gently pour half the egg mixture to the pan. Make sure the heat is low.
cheese omelet-how to make cheese omelet

3. Cover and cook for a minute. The sides of the omelet will start to curl up and the centre should be mostly cooked yet still a bit runny. Sprinkle half the cheese to one side of the omelet.
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4. Gently fold in from the other side and let it sit for about 15 seconds. This will help the cheese melt. Melted cheese is always a good thing - always!
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Done! Serve hot with some sriracha sauce - that's our favourite combination - and some fruits on the side.


Q: Why does my omelet break when I flip it?
This usually happens when you are spreading the egg mixture too thin. Either use a smaller cooking pan or add more of the mixture. Also, wait for the first side to cook properly before flipping.

Q: Why is my omelet too brown or dark?
Always cook omelets in low flame so that the eggs don't get overcooked. There are very few things more unpalatable than overcooked eggs, in my opinion.

Q: What are some topping ideas for omelets?
You can really get creative here. I have topped omelets with vegetarian sausages, onions, tomatoes, mushroom, spinach, spring roll filling, boiled and grated potatoes, etc.

Q: What type of cheese should I use for making cheese omelet?
I generally use a mix of cheddar and mozzarella, the same kind I use for my homemade pizza. You can use just cheddar, or experiment with a different kind of cheese too. No hard and fast rules here.

For Cheese Omelet Recipe in Hindi, Urdu, Tamil, Gujarati, etc, please use the Google Translate button on the sidebar. 

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