Thursday, July 4, 2013

Avocado Milkshake Recipe - Milkshake with Indian Butter Fruit

How to make milkshake with avocado, easy avocado milkshake recipe - For the longest time, I didn't realise the butter fruit that turned into delicious milkshake during my childhood is actually avocado. In the cooler parts of Kerala, avocado grows abundantly though they tend to be larger than the avocados I've seen from the US. Amma used to make butter fruit milkshake very often and I've enjoyed many glasses of this delicious milkshake especially during the summer holidays - a filling and refreshing mid morning snack while we played in the hot sun.

avocado milkshake recipe

These avocados are from a tree that is growing wild in a family friend's place, Thumpayil Farms, in Vagamon and they gave us 4-5 fruits fully ripened on the tree and bursting with freshness. What a luxury it is to eat organic fruits that are fresh off a tree! We refrigerated the super ripe avocados overnight and amma made this amazing milkshake the next day.

avocado milkshake
Avocados or Butter Fruit from Kerala

She kept insisting that the fruits were too ripe but the milkshake tasted perfect and was a gorgeous pale green colour. One fruit yielded enough milkshake for four people and I had it at midday, just like I did all those years ago. Avocados are full of healthy fats that bring down your bad cholesterol levels and raise the good fats in your body. This regulates how your body stores fat and makes you a healthier and happier person. Although avocados are a larger focus in recent dates due to their good fats, it's good to enjoy them in moderation. My favourite ways to enjoy avocados is in this form of avocado milkshake, avocado egg sandwich, in guacamole, or hidden in a cake like these vegan chocolate cupcakes.

avocado milkshake


Preparation time: 2 minutes
Blending time: 3 minutes
Makes 4 glasses

1 ripe avocado (called butter fruit in India)
1-2 tsp of powdered sugar
2 glasses of cold milk (about 500 ml)
1 to 1.5 glasses of cold water

How to make Avocado Milkshake:

Blend all ingredients until smooth and of pouring consistency. Adjust sugar to your preference and if too thick, add more milk.
Pour milkshake into glasses and serve immediately.

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