Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Bhatura Recipe - How to Make Chana Bhatura Recipe - Step by Step

Batura (also spelled as Bhatura, Bhature, Bhatoora, etc) is a childhood favourite. We had a maid called Mary who would make the most amazing Batura - she used to called them Vatura, a standing joke in the house - which amma always complimented with a perfect bowl of Chana Masala. Chana Bhature needs no introduction to any Indian or people familiar with the Indian food. Chana Bhatura gained popularity as a street food in India with many roadside vendors frying up piping hot, large Bhatura served with a katori of Channa Masala, raw minced onions, and a lemon wedge.


I am a bit of a snob when eating out and prefer to not order deep fried mains like Poori and Batura simply because the thought of that large kadai of bubbling oil puts me off. That's not to say I don't eat anything deep fried, I most definitely do, but they are hardly my first choice and I prefer to make Batura at home.


As mentioned in the Chana Masala Recipe post, when Amma visited last May we made Bhatura at home. I was all excited and then forgot to take pictures of the final dish so decided to make them again. You need to plan ahead a bit for homemade Bhatura but most of it is just waiting time and not active cooking time. I'd say make the Batura dough and soak the chana at the same time and by evening, you can make a hot plate of Chole Bhature. You can also do the waiting overnight and make it for breakfast or brunch - entirely up to you.

Chana Masala & Bhature

One word of caution - making Bhature is easy but since we are dealing with regular flour or maida here, it tends to get rubbery if the dough is not made properly and your oil heat is not regulated. I have made them twice (apart from with Amma when they obviously turned out perfect) and they got significantly better in the second batch. So do take care to follow the steps and give it enough resting time to get crispy and great-tasting Batura.


Preparation time: 8 hours
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Makes ~ 18 Bhatura
Recipe Source: Amma

  • 4 cups of maida / regular all-purpose flour
  • 1.5 cups of plain curd / yogurt (not sour)
  • 1 heaping tsp of baking powder
  • 1.4 tsp of soda powder
  • 1/2 tsp of salt
  • 3-4 cups of oil, for deep-frying

How to Make Batura:
  • Mix the flour, baking powder, salt, and soda until combined
  • Add curd to this little at a time and knead into a soft, smooth, slightly sticky dough. You can add more or less curd as required but don't add any water to the dough
  • Keep this dough in the refrigerator covered with cling wrap or a plate for about 6-8 hours
  • The dough will rise a bit and become more airy. Punch it down, knead lightly and roll into lime-sized balls
  • Flour the dough balls generously, flatten on your palm, and roll into circles
  • Heat oil for deep frying just until smoking and add the rolled bhature one by one
  • Fry until puffed up and golden specks appear on both sides
  • Drain and set aside. Repeat until all the dough is used up
  • Serve hot with Chana Masala

Step by Step Pictures to Make Batura

1. Mix the salt, soda, baking powder and flour well with fingertips.

2. Add curd little at a time and knead into a soft, slightly sticky dough

3. Transfer to a bowl and cover with cling wrap or a loose plate so the dough doesn't dry out. Refrigerate for 6-8 hours.

4. The dough would have risen a fair bit. Punch it down and knead gently. Divide into lime-sized balls.

5. Dust generously with more flour and roll these out into thin circles.

Or, erm.. almost-circles in my case

6. Deep fry in hot oil

Until brown specks appear on the surface. The oil needs to be quite hot, almost smoking.

7. Drain and set aside. Repeat until all the dough is used up.

Serve immediately with Chole Masala or Vegetable Korma. Even Paneer Dishes go well with Batura. 

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