Thursday, February 16, 2012

Food Photos Prop Shopping - Robinson's Singapore

The magic words that lured me in!

Food Photo Prop Shopping in Robinson's Singapore

Lovely riot of colours at the entrance. This is the Robinson's at Raffles City Mall. 

Food Photo Prop Shopping in Robinson's Singapore

Adorable Katie Alice tins for coffee, sugar, and tea. I bought ramekins from this collection which were very cute too.

Food Photo Prop Shopping in Robinson's Singapore

Drool-worthy stoneware in shapes and sizes

Food Photo Prop Shopping in Robinson's Singapore

Korean style soup pots of stone and ceramic. Love the colourful lids

Food Photo Prop Shopping in Robinson's Singapore

Who doesn't love Le Creuset. These were tiny, ramekin-sized ones. I bought a few to gift people because I suddenly felt guilty for being a selfish shopper

Food Photo Prop Shopping in Robinson's Singapore

White tableware. A food photographer's favourite colour. Mine, anyway.

Food Photo Prop Shopping in Robinson's Singapore

Oh yes, I bought that black bowl down there. Gorgeous textured ceramic table-ware from Japan.

Food Photo Prop Shopping in Robinson's Singapore

The cheaper more colourful kind from China. I have a set of those striped ones on the right and one floral one not shown here which sadly cracked the other day. 

Food Photo Prop Shopping in Robinson's Singapore

I wasn't sure if they would mind pictures being taken in the store so I was in stealth mode. I wish I could've taken more but if you are visiting Singapore and love kitchen things, definitely pay Robinson's a visit.

Check out this previous post from when I visited Fishs Eddy in New York

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