Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Bengali Fish Fry | Mach Bhaja Recipe

It's no secret that Malayalis and Bengalis love fish! There are several varieties of fish recipes from both Kerala and Bengal so it's always best to get cracking from the basics.

The basic Kerala fish fry recipe uses ginger and garlic (we also add shallots and curry leaves at home) in addition to the basics like chilly powder and turmeric.

The basic Bengali fish fry, however, is even simpler. It's essentially a 5-ingredient recipe.

Bengali Fish Fry Recipe | Macch Bhaja Recipe

This was made my a friend when we visited their place for dinner. She had marinated the fish in advance but it all came together in less than 10 minutes.

Easy Bengali Fish Fry Recipe
Serves 3-4

6 (steak) pieces of king fish or hilsa, cleaned
2 tsp red chilli powder
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp salt (adjust to taste)
2 tbsp lime juice


1. Mix the cleaned fish pieces with the rest of the ingredients and let marinate for 4 hours.

2. Heat a pan and add about 1/2 cup oil. Shallow fry the fish in medium-low heat until both sides are charred but not completely fried up. Be gentle when turning the fish over.

Bengali Fish Fry Recipe | Macch Bhaja Recipe


- This fish fry recipe can be used as a base for you to add on to. You can add more masala powders, pepper powder, ginger garlic paste, etc.

- Serve with dal and steamed rice for a simple meal. It won't be too spicy or heavy.

- Serve with freshly sliced onions and lemon. Yum!

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