Monday, November 21, 2011

Potato and Drumsticks Curry Recipe in Poppy Seeds Gravy

potato drumsticks khus khus curry recipe

Recipe for a potato drumstick curry that has a thick tomato khus khus (poppy seeds gravy).

Until I was 10, we used to live in a sprawling L-shaped house with a gorgeous garden. My mom has quite a green thumb and whatever shoot or seeds she planted would grow and bloom into beautiful things. We had a drumstick tree in the backyard and during one season, it showed off its splendour by giving us many baskets of long, slender drumsticks. Amma, being the generous soul she is, gave off bags of it to friends, relatives and neighbours until they threw up their arms when the word drumsticks was mentioned! So she sold some. I remember because she bought me a box of foreign chocolates from the only foreign goods store in town at that time.

potato drumsticks khus khus curry recipe

So yes, my connection with drumsticks goes beyond the simple girl-and-vegetable relationship that I share with most other vegetables.

Fast forward two decades. One day I got this email from my mom-in-law saying she tried a recipe with potatoes and drumsticks and that it came out very nice.

This is her recipe. It's a bit similar to potato saagu that I made ages back and then completely forgot about but somehow, I liked it better than saagu. Too bad I am all out of khus khus / poppy seeds and can't get them in Singapore.

Potato recipes I recommend - Bombay potatoes, Punjabi aloo gobi, dry aloo methi, and this gorgeous dum aloo recipe from my mom-in-law.

Potato and Drumsticks in a Thick Poppy Seeds Gravy

Serves 4

2 large potatoes, cubed
1 drumstick, cut into 3" long pieces
1 onion, chopped
1 large tomato , chopped
5 tbsp khus khus / poppy seeds (soaked in water for 15 mins)
2-3 green chillies
2-3 flakes of garlic
1 tsp red chilli powder (adjust to taste)
1 tbsp coriander powder
1/2 tsp cumin seeds / jeera
A pinch of turmeric powder
2 tbsp oil
Salt to taste
Coriander leaves for garnishing


1. Grind the soaked khus khus with jeera, coriander, and garlic into a smooth paste. Add water as necessary, the poppy seeds will thicken the mixture.

potato drumsticks khus khus curry recipe

2. Heat the oil and add mustard seeds (optional). When they pop (if using) add onions and green chillies and fry until lightly browned. Then add the drumsticks and potato cubes. Add in 2 cups water and mix well.
potato drumsticks khus khus curry recipe

3. When the mixture comes to a boil, add the ground khus khus paste, chilli powder, turmeric, and some salt. Mix well.

potato drumsticks khus khus curry recipe

4. Throw in the tomatoes and mix.

potato drumsticks khus khus curry recipe

The mixture should still be a bit watery for the vegetables to full cook. If it's not, add some more water. Cook covered until the potatoes are soft and the drumsticks are cooked through. Adjust salt.

potato drumsticks khus khus curry recipe

Garnish with coriander leaves and serve hot with steamed rice, roti, nan, or even crusty bread.

potato drumsticks khus khus curry recipe

Serve potato drumsticks curry with some warm rice or vegetable pulao.

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