Saturday, November 12, 2011

Eggless Chocolate Coffee Self-Saucing Pudding Recipe

I have been skipping the Sweet Punch challenges for the past couple of months so decided to go ahead and cram it in this month (although I am about 2 weeks late already!).

This month we made Chocolate Coffee Self-Saucing Pudding. I have always wanted to try self-saucing puddings so that was an extra motivation.

I halved the recipe to make 2 ramekins of the pudding, one for each of us.

Eggless Chocolate Coffee Self-Saucing Pudding

Makes 2 ramekins
Serves 2

1/2 cup of all-purpose flour / maida
1 tsp of baking powder
1 tsp of cocoa powder
1 pinch of salt
1/4 cup of packed brown sugar
1 tbsp of butter, melted
1/4 cup of milk
1 tbsp of flax seed meal mixed with 3 tbsp water (or 1/2 an egg)
A fistful of any nuts of choice - walnuts,, hazelnuts, cashews, etc
For the topping:
1/4 cup of brown sugar
1.5 tbsp of cocoa powder
1/2 cup of black coffee (I mixed 1 tsp bru with 1/2 cup water)


1. Pre-heat oven to 350F / 180C. Mix the flax seed meal with the water and set aside until it becomes gooey and thick.

Eggless Chocolate Coffee Self-Saucing Pudding

2. Add the flour, baking powder, salt, sugar, and cocoa in a bowl and mix thoroughly with a fork. You can also sift it until the dry ingredients are well blended.
Chocolate Coffee Self-Saucing Pudding

3. Melt butter in another bowl and add the milk, nuts, and the dry ingredients mixture.
Chocolate Coffee Self-Saucing Pudding

4. Fold gently until no traces of any ingredient can be seen separately.
Eggless Chocolate Coffee Self-Saucing Pudding

5. Divide the batter into two greased ramekins.
Eggless Chocolate Coffee Self-Saucing Pudding

6. Mix the sugar, coffee, and cocoa for the topping and pour gently over the batter mixture. The recipe asks us to o this separately which is what I did but that left parts of the top a bit bitter so I think mixing it first would yield a better result.
Eggless Chocolate Coffee Self-Saucing Pudding

7. Bake for about 20-25 mins until the top becomes all bubbly and turns a very dark brown. This is just the coffee acting up with the batter and looks almost burnt. The bottom will still be a bit wobbly, but should be cooked - that is, no traces of the raw batter should be seen.

Chocolate Coffee Self-Saucing Pudding

Serve chocolate self-saucing pudding with vanilla ice-cream or sweetened whipped cream.

I am not a fan of coffee-flavoured anything (but I love coffee!) so this is probably not something I'd try again. But I am hoping to try more self-saucing puddings in future for sure!

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