Sunday, June 12, 2011

Eggless Blueberry Pancakes | Eggless Pancakes Recipe (Fluffy and Soft)

I am married to a guy who doesn't like pancakes. At least, he thought so until I made these perfect pancakes and that kinda sorta turned him around, but not completely. But I knew for a fact that if I added a fruit to the pancakes, he is not going to touch them so I devised this recipe meant for one - just me! Its also an eggless pancake recipe because I didn't have any eggs at home. Sometimes, necessity creates masterpieces!

You may also like these ricotta pancakes from scratch.

Eggless Blueberry Pancakes | Eggless Pancakes Recipe (Fluffy and Soft)

Well, I know these pancakes are not really the Brad Pitt of pancakes but they come together in 10 mins, and are eggless. So, stop being shallow. After all, the rustic look is in these days. The more dilapidated-looking the plywood for for your food photo base, the better. Haven't you noticed?

Eggless Blueberry Pancakes | Eggless Pancakes Recipe (Fluffy and Soft)

Btw, you do need some maple syrup to serve these up because they aren't super sweet on their own. Of course, you can add more sugar to the batter but why would you. Pour on the maple syrup (or the ones that masquerade as maple syrup, your choice). I got the real deal in US this time and its worth every gram of the weight I had to lug back.

Eggless Blueberry Pancakes Recipe
Prep + Cooking : 10 mins
Serves: 1 (about 3 medium-sized pancakes)

1/3 cup plain flour
1/3 tsp baking powder
A pinch of baking soda
1 tbsp sugar (adjust to taste)
A pinch of salt
2 tsp olive oil
1/3 cup + 2 tbsp milk
1/4 cup blueberries (fresh or frozen)
2 tbsp butter to spread on pancakes while cooking

How to Make Eggless Pancakes

1. Mix all ingredients together (except for the butter).

2. Heat a pan or griddle and spread some butter on it. Pour about 1/3rd of the batter into the centre of the pan and let it spread naturally. Keep the fire on low.

3. When small bubbles start to appear on the pancake surface, drop some blueberries on the pancake. I used about 5-6 per pancake. Flip over gently. Don't press down hard on the pancake, otherwise the blueberries will burst and create a mess. Handle very gently and always keep on low flame, otherwise the edges will burn like one of my pancakes did.

4. Cook for another minure or two and transfer to a plate.

Eggless Blueberry Pancakes | Eggless Pancakes Recipe (Fluffy and Soft)

Eat warm with a generous drizzle of maple syrup and be glad you don't need to share!

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